Public Safety & Crime

Bill No. 31-0027 Act No. 7825 - This Act amends title 15, chapter 114 of the Virgin Islands Code defining the term assault rifle, specifically criminalizing the unlicensed possession of an assault rifle. *co-sponsored*

Bill No. 32-0129 Act No. 8059 - This Act amends title 14 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 3A relating to human trafficking to enact the Virgin Islands Uniform Prevention of and Remedies for Human Trafficking Act and amending title 5, chapter 303, section 3541 relating to the statute of limitations for prosecuting the crime of human trafficking.

Bill No. 31-0011 Act No. 7744 - Twenty-nine percent of stalking victims fear that the stalking will never end. The prevalence of anxiety, insomnia, social dysfunction and severe depression is much higher among stalking victims than the general population. Also, three in four stalking victims are stalked by someone they know, and at least thirty 20 percent of stalking victims are by a current or former intimate partner. However, there are few legal remedies available for those who have not had an intimate relationship with the person stalking them. The stalking protection order created by this legislation will be a remedy for stalking victims who do not qualify for a domestic violence order of protection, as well as requires that courts issue stalking protection orders to specifically distinguish between stalking conduct covered by the stalking protection order and common acts of harassment or nuisance covered by any other order of protection. *co-sponsored*

Bill No. 31-0019 Act No. 7799 - This Act provides for harassment prevention orders. *co-sponsored*

Bill No. 31-0074 Act No. 7741 - This Act allows for sentence reduction for successful completion of academic or vocational training while imprisoned.  *co-sponsored*

Bill No. 31-0260 Act No. 7871 - This Act permits the collection of a DNA sample from any person charged with an applicable offense. *co-sponsored*

Bill No. 31-0383 Act No. 7895 - This Act requires that a firearm be declared upon the arrival at the port of entry into the Virgin Islands. *co-sponsored*

BR No. 18-0942 – This Bill Request will mandate that no government agency in any branch of government, including independent instrumentalities, nor any private entity which receives government funding, may settle sexual harassment lawsuits out of court with a confidentiality clause.